Friday, February 7, 2025

Minister Higgins welcomes new procurement framework which includes cloud enabled products

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has launched an enhanced central procurement arrangement that will enable all public sector bodies to procure virtualisation solutions from pre-selected economic operators at below market rates.

It provides both Virtualisation software

and Virtual Machine software. Virtualisation software allows for the sharing of resources or applications across multiple users. Virtual Machine software enables the creation of multiple virtual machines on a single physical computer.

The software provides cost effective and energy saving solutions which reduce the need for hardware.

While virtualisation software was previously available on OGP frameworks, the scope has been expanded to include new software providers with an enhanced range of professional services and cloud enabled products.

The new arrangement has been welcomed by Minister of State with responsibility for Public Procurement, Digitalisation and eGovernment, Emer Higgins, TD.

Minister Higgins said:

“This framework delivers clarity and stability to public sector bodies regarding licensing arrangements and supports them to procure complex virtualisation software easily and efficiently while ensuring compliance with all procurement rules and guidelines.

“As well as delivering value for money for the public sector, the OGP also worked to support SME access to public procurement opportunities by dividing the competition into smaller Lots, making tendering more accessible for small businesses.”

SMEs were successful in bidding for all three Lots of the framework tender, which was designed to support governmental ambitions in relation to digitalisation and increasing cloud adoption.

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